The piano sounds pretty good for all of its multiple broken strings and the fact that it hasn\’t felt the loving touch of a tuner for longer than Toronto has been under lockdown (a very long time). For you gear nerds, I used a pair of Line Audio CM4s – I think they sound amazing for the price. Love what Alex Samaras did with this (we recorded virtually). New tune by Juliet Palmer with text by Richard Sanger.
New vid with Alex Samaras
May 26th, 2021 § 0 comments § permalink
Industry Tactics Ep. 77
May 24th, 2021 § 0 comments § permalink
A fun time shooting the sh*t with a good friend, Dr. Richard Marsella. Forgot to post this when it came out, so enjoy!
New Reich Quartet recording is out! Plus…
May 14th, 2021 § 0 comments § permalink
So Russell Hartenberger (from NEXUS) just dropped off the latest NEXUS CD, which includes our recording of Steve Reich\’s Quartet, which we made a few years back with Bob Becker and Midori Koga, with Ray Dillard at the board.

He also dropped off a copy of his new book, the Cambridge Companion to Rhythm, where I am quoted:

So this was a good day!